
You’ve found my blog. Here’s a bit on who I am:

I’m a husband to a wonderful woman, and a father to 4 brilliant children. My wife is a music educator in Beaverton. We married in 2006. Our children are the perfect mix of love and “personality” that keeps us on our toes, and our knees!

I have the honor of shepherding a church hungry for life in the Word and Spirit. We are a “splerge-,” a church plant that merged with an existing church. This has created a wonderful opportunity for growth in me, and for the church, as we sit on 5 acres of property in a prime location for ministry.

I have a B.A. in Psychology, and am working on a Masters in Divinity. I have been a student of the Word since college in 2001. I was a worship and college pastor prior to planting in 2016.

I might be a bit of a conundrum. I’m an intuitive person who seeks facts. I’m a feeler who is a person of truth. I choose to lead by influence first, authority last. I aim for the heart and the head, as scripture informs us that both are being renewed (Ezekiel 36:26, Psalm 51:10, Romans 12:2).

If you desire to know what drives me, I’d respond with “beholding the glory of Christ.” I’ve been radically changed by the beauty of the gospel of Jesus. That beauty, that glory, is none other than the glory of Christ. Thus, my life’s pursuit is to see, to behold, the beauty of God in the face of Jesus Christ (Psalm 27:4, John 17:24, 2 Corinthians 3:17-18, 2 Corinthians 4:6, Colossians 1:27). My aim, then, is to behold and enjoy the glory of God with all of my being, and invite others to share in my joy. This informs how I live, how I love my wife, how I raise my children, how I deal with conflict, how I lead the church, and how I preach.

You may have heard this language before. I have been greatly influenced by present day pastors, such as John Piper, David Platt, Timothy Keller, and Ligon Duncan. Furthermore, I see this passion for the glory of God from pastors and authors before them: CS Lewis, Jonathon Edwards,  George Whitfield, John Calvin, Martin Luther, Augustine of Hippo, Athanasius of Alexandria. These pastors span from present day to the 3rd century BC. I prefer to stand on the shoulders of giants, of heroes of the faith in order that I may see farther, and more clearly, into the glory of Christ our Lord. They were mortal men. Their words are not Scripture, and they were prone to error. Therefore, I am first a student of Paul, Peter, James, John, Mark, Luke, and the Old Covenant writers, for I am first a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Thank you for taking the time to read. I invite you to join us on a Sunday morning, or contact me if you have more questions!

For His glory,

Bobby Gaither, Lead Pastor, Hope Fellowship of Hillsboro