Do you really believe Jesus was God in human flesh— fully man and fully God? How do you explain that to others, to your neighbor, or a family member? And…

Made To Image

February 24, 2019

Good morning. We are in the book of John. Our series subtitle is “Bearing Witness.” This morning, our text— John 5:30-47, speaks to the witness of Scripture, of God the…

Cost Of Following Jesus

February 3, 2019

Good morning! Happy Lord’s Day to you all! Christians gather and worship, celebrating our Sabbath, on Sunday, the first day of the week. This is the day the Church has…
For those who are new or visiting with us, we are in the book of John. We’ve titled the series, in our great creativity, The Book of John: Bearing Witness.…
 Intro video: Symbols and Signs by Beautiful Eulogy Good morning and welcome! If you’re visiting with us and you’re slightly uncomfortable because of the video you just viewed, you are…

Life in the Word

January 6, 2019
Do you know someone for whom you’d say: That person has a love for life! Typically, we would reserve such a phrase for those we feel are uninhibited, who live…

The God Who Speaks

December 30, 2018

It appears to be tradition in our society that children are asked what they would wish for in the year to come. Children possess an innocence, and a capacity for…

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